Our Application Process:
BCEC is an equal opportunity, anti-rush/hazing, inclusive, professional community. Meaning, we admit on the basis of proven work ethic and passion for the entertainment industry, no matter your grade-level, age, socioeconomic level, or race.
The CM application process includes 1 written application, 1 zoom interview, 1 social mixer, and 1 in-person interview. The GM application includes 1 written application and 1 zoom interview.
For new members, both sets of written applications include 1 general Why BCEC question and 2 committee specific questions. For returning members, both sets of written applications include 1 general returner question and 1 committee specific returner question.
Before Applying:
Do some research on our semester projects and the possible committees you’d be interested in joining. Learn more about our Spring 2025 projects here!
Know the names of the committee directors you will be applying under. They will be the ones reviewing your application! Reach out for coffee chats, talk to them at our info-session — the more you network with our team, the better chance you’ll have at sticking out during the deliberation process.
Try to sign up for a coffee chat with your intended committee director before the slots fill up, and attend at least one info session.
Still have questions? Feel free to check out our Application FAQ, email us at, or contact us on Instagram @calbcec.
Important Application Dates (expand for more information)
Returning Member, New Committee Member and General Membership applications open.
Candidates may sign up for a coffee chat with BCEC leadership to learn more about the club.
Coffee Chatting leadership indicates dedication of interest — and also allows us to remember you personally, improving your chances of acceptance.
Casual setting to meet our board and exec members! This is a great opportunity to network and learn about their BCEC journeys and tips for recruitment!
This will be a special infosession that includes an in-depth application workshop to put your best application forward!
Business Careers in Entertainment Club - BCEC Berkeley Chapter provides students with the opportunities and resources necessary to connect with professionals in the entertainment industry. In the past we have worked with the likes of Amazon Studios, Canva, Paramount, Adobe, the LA Chargers, and The New York Times.
At our info session, you will learn more about our 11 committees and how you can apply! The 11 committees are as follows:
Digital Marketing (DM)
Video Games (VG)
General Membership (GM)
Coffee Chat sign-ups close.
Business Careers in Entertainment Club - BCEC Berkeley Chapter provides students with the opportunities and resources necessary to connect with professionals in the entertainment industry. In the past we have worked with the likes of Amazon Studios, Canva, Paramount, Adobe, the LA Chargers, and The New York Times.
At our info session, you will learn more about our 11 committees and how you can apply! The 11 committees are as follows:
Digital Marketing (DM)
Video Games (VG)
General Membership (GM)
Invite Only
Based on written application and attendance to info-sessions and coffee-chats, select candidates are given a first-round interview.
Note: There are TWO rounds of interviews for committee members. This is separate from General Membership
Invite Only
Based on written application and attendance to info-sessions and coffee-chats, select candidates are given a first-round interview.
Note: General Membership only has ONE round of interviews
Invite Only
[Committee Member (CM) Candidates only] After making it past our first round of interviews, you’ll be invited to an exclusive social mixer with our board and exec and get to know BCEC on a personal level!
Note: You are NOT being evaluated at the social mixer. It is a time for you to experience our club culture.
Invite Only
[For Committee Member Candidates] Candidates who make it past Round 1 Interviews are invited to an exclusive social mixer and Round 2 Interviews.
Welcome to BCEC! Celebrate through a fun event with games, committee competitions, and prizes.
Ready to apply?
NOTE: Applicants may apply to both Committee Member (CM) & General Membership (GM) tracks. These apps open & close on the same day!
BCEC Member Application
OPENS: 1/21 12:00PM
CLOSES: 1/31 Noon